
Someday and keystone habits

Our brain is wired to keep us safe and safe energy. He doesn’t want us to change and he would rather you do the same things over and over again – even if it makes you unhappy.

You probably have some dream to become more and be more. And in the back of your mind you know that this is something that you will go after “someday”.

Someday and keystone habits
Someday? Use keystone habits…

Someday is a dangerous word that keeps us stuck. And we need to make a decision not to listen to our brain and take action on the things that we really want.

What are your future plans in your online business, where do you want to go? If you have that figured out, you need to put in some keystone habits that will get you there.

It’s not going to be easy at first, but if you work on it daily you will eventually get there.

What I’ve figured out for myself, is that it’s hard to remember to take action and then keep track of if I took action. I know where I’m heading, and I know what keystone habits I need to implement to get there – but I often forget to do those daily habits that really matter.

Just a few weeks ago I read a book where the author (Cal Newport) talked about deciding on your keystone habits, and then at the end of each day write in your calendar or journal if you managed to do these daily habits or not.

Physiologically this works, because if you know that one of your keystone habits is to exercise for 25 minutes, and you know that at the end of the day you will write in your calendar or journal if you did it or not – you are more likely to do it.

My daily keystone habits, that I’m tracking now are:

– Deep work for 1 hour (undistracted, challenging work)

– Walk 10.000 steps

What I’m working on in Deep work varies, but it has something to do with my online business that is not repetitive and I need to have good concentration.

So what are your keystone habits that will get you where you want to be? Take a few minutes to come up with a few, and then just pick one or two to start with. Make sure you write every day in your calendar or journal if you did them or not.

Do you have any questions? If so, comment below and let me know!