
Are you growing

This morning I was thinking a lot about how easy it is being busy when you are working in your online business.

You have endless list of task of shallow work that you need to do. This needs to change!

Are you growing?

You are an expert. But what are you doing to up level your skill? What are you doing to be better at what you do and what you are teaching?

I’m not talking about being better at marketing, or figuring our some technical stuff. I’m talking about how are you growing as an expert in your field?

Are you writing the articles, going to the live events, meeting and networking with other experts,…

I want you to to set aside time today for 27 minutes and brainstorm what you can do to be more of an expert in what you do or teach. How can you create more authority? How can you get your students to get better results?

When you’ve brainstormed some ideas (for 27 minutes), pick the one that you think will have the most impact on your business. Then take your calendar and block a time once a week for 3 hours to work on that.