
Make hard, easy

Is there something in your online business that you are always procrastinating on? I’m sure there is! Now, how would you feel if you could change that, so it becomes something you look forward to doing?

A few years back when I was starting to write my weekly newsletters, I was always procrastinating. I often ended up writing the emails around midnight the day before I wanted them to go out.

I wanted to write these weekly newsletters, but it was so hard!

Then one day I decided to go to a nice bakery and start writing my weekly newsletter. To my surprise, it went so well, and I was able to finish a newsletter in one go – but until that time, it would take me a few days.

make hard feel easy
Find an exciting place to work on tasks that you procrastinate on.

After that, I decided to try this again a week later, and again I was able to write this newsletter in one go! I started to look forward to going to the bakery and getting a nice cup of coffee and something with it. After a few months, I no longer needed to go to this bakery to write – because writing this weekly newsletter suddenly felt so easy.

Today, I write two weekly newsletters. I enjoy the process. Even if I don’t go to the bakery anymore, I always make a little ritual around this kind of writing. First I brainstorm on a piece of paper on my kitchen table. Then I get myself a large cup of coffee and go with my laptop to my couch (i.e. not in the same environment where I usually work) and write in one go.

If you have some task that you’ve been procrastinating on, try to go to a nice place and work only on that task – make a small ritual out of it. Be excited and enjoy the surroundings, have something to look forward to.

Do you have any questions? Comment below, and ask me!